If you live in an apartment or other home with little space, you may feel like you have no room for luxuries like air conditioning or room to install a large air filter. However, air filters aren’t just for large homes or commercial buildings. They are also an essential tool for anyone who wants to reduce their home’s carbon footprint. Air filters improve indoor air quality by removing contaminants from the air that can cause allergies, irritate lungs, and make breathing difficult. If you live in a home with wood burning appliances or smokers, you understand how difficult it is to breathe in these environments. In order to reduce the negative effects of these habits on your health and indoor environment, you need to filter the air as best as possible. Read on to learn more about the best air filters for smoke and how you can improve your home’s air quality with them.

What Is A Good Air Filter For Smoke?

A good air filter for smoke is an essential part of any home with a smoker or someone who burns wood on a regular basis. If you have a wood burning appliance in your home, you should have a high-quality air filter installed in the ductwork. The best air filter for smoke is one that removes harmful chemicals like tar and carbon monoxide. However, if you have a standard HVAC system, you can improve the quality of the air in your home by installing a high-quality air filter. Air filters for smoke should be changed regularly to ensure that they are removing contaminants from the air. You can buy replacement air filters for most HVAC systems, or you can buy a whole-house air filter system. Air filters for smoke are especially important in homes with children and pets, as these are groups that are especially sensitive to indoor air quality.

MERV 13 Filter For Smoke

The MERV 13 filter is one of the best air filters for smoke. It is an electrostatic filter that is designed to trap smoke particles as small as 0.3 microns. The MERV 13 filter is one of the most common types of air filters for smoke, and it is often used in large commercial HVAC systems. The MERV 13 filter is an excellent choice for most homes with a wood burning appliance or a smoker. The MERV 13 filter can be used in ductwork or with a whole-house air filter system. If you have a central air system, you can also buy a standalone MERV 13 air filter. The MERV 13 filter is also great for removing dust, pet dander, and other indoor pollutions.

Carbon Pre-Filter For Smoke

If you have an HVAC system with a carbon filter, you can also use it as a pre-filter for your main filter. This can be especially helpful if you have a carbon filter in the ductwork, as you can simply plug in a new filter in the same location. A carbon pre-filter is a great choice for any home with a smoker or wood burning appliance. The carbon pre-filter is designed to trap larger dust and smoke particles, like those from wood smoke. The carbon pre-filter can be used with a central air system, or in ductwork. If you have a carbon filter in the ductwork, you can also use it as a pre-filter. The carbon pre-filter is a great choice for anyone who is sensitive to dust or smoke.

Air Purification System For Smoke

Air purifiers are a great way to improve the quality of the air in your home. However, if you have a wood burning appliance or a smoker, you may want to consider a smoke-free air purifier. Some air purifiers are designed specifically for smoke, and can remove smoke and other harmful chemicals from the air. Air purifiers are a great way to improve the indoor air quality of your home, especially if you have a baby or someone who is sensitive to indoor air quality. Air purifiers are especially helpful for those who live in an apartment, as they can help reduce the amount of contaminants in the air. Air purifiers are also a great choice for homes with pets, as they are designed to trap pet dander and other airborne irritants.


The best air filter for smoke is the MERV 13 filter. This filter traps smoke as small as 0.3 microns, and is an excellent choice for any home with a wood burning appliance or smoker. If you have a central air system, you can also use a carbon pre-filter as a pre-filter. If you have a central air system, you can also use a carbon filter as a pre-filter. An air purifier is a great choice for a smoke-free home, but can be especially helpful for those who live in an apartment.

Frequently Asked Question

Having the right air filter makes a difference in cleaning your indoor air and keeping your air quality safe. It removes airborne pollutants which may harm your health. It prevents you from getting allergies.
Typically, if you have a tiny healthy home, it would take you every 6-12 months to replace your filter. Commonly for families of standard sizes or more, it is recommended that you change your filter every 3 months or 90 days. If you have a cat or dog, it is better if you replace it more frequently, like every 2 months. If you have more than one, then you better replace it every 20-45 days.